A Guide to Container Gardening

Aquaberry Bliss

Container gardening is a great way to bring plants into your life. Whether you live in an apartment or simply want more green in your life, knowing how to grow plants in containers is a must.

Pick out a container that fits your plant’s needs. Small plants work well in small containers and large plants in large containers. Ensure that there are a few holes at the bottom of the container for proper drainage. You can re-purpose old containers or run out to your local garden or hardware store to choose your favorite look. Trees can even be grown in old wine barrels. Remember that the size of your plant will determine what size container you need.

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Building A Plant Museum, From Scratch

Aquaberry Bliss

Recently I was tasked with putting up a hoop house for tomatoes and peppers. I had no idea what an exciting, challenging, and rewarding experience it would turn out to be.

I first had to put up the frame work. Cutting various sized construction lumber to different shapes, sizes, angles, and measurements. Putting them all together to build a sturdy structure that would last for years to come. It was constant game of measure twice, cut once and try to not waste any pieces.

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